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Highly Sensitive Adults and Children - Finding Your Inner Superpower

Professional and School Counselors - Highly Sensitive Therapists

Eating Disorders and Adult Children of Parents with an Eating Disorder

Self Injury/Cutting

Body Image Concerns

Self Esteem/Self Confidence


Individuals Working Towards Licensure

Highly Sensitive Therapists

School Counselors Working Towards a License as a Professional Counselor

Group Supervision

Clinical Consultation (if not seeking licensure, already have a license and are looking to expand your skills, and/or already have a supervisor)


Raise Awareness About Eating Disorders

Provide Education About Eating Disorders

Able to Share a Personal Story of Overcoming an Eating Disorder and Trauma

Share How to Live with an Eating Disorder

General Information About Highly Sensitive People

Teach Confidence Boosting Techniques and Skills


Highly Sensitive Adults - learn about your personality trait, how to be in the world, communicate with others, and coping skills.  This is a great opportunity to connect with other highly sensitive people.  There are two different group formats offered, an introductory group for individuals who are new to understanding the HSP (highly sensitive person) trait and a relationships group which builds on the knowledge gained in the introductory group.


If you or a loved one are extremely worried or concerned about an eating disorder or eating disorder behaviors, I am able to work with the individual to help them find treatment options which may help save their life.  Please reach out if you believe you or a loved one needs a higher level of care.  It can be scary to live in a world controlled by an eating disorder and there are many options which may help break the patterns present.  You are an important part of this world and we need you in it.

"Hope Whispers, Insecurity Shouts"

 - Stephanie Pellegrino


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